Saturday, May 28, 2011

No worries... I'm still here!

Hey everyone! So sorry for the lack of posting on the JStew Journey recently! Life has been really busy lately but I'm excited to update everyone!

In true "Allison Sweeny, Biggest Looser" style : My starting weight was 342 pounds and my current weight is ... ... ... beep beep beep beep ... ... ... (insert commercial break to add suspense) ... ... ... beep beep beep ... ... .. 252 pounds for a total weight loss of 90 pounds and total percentage weight loss of 26.32%! Wow, what an amazing accomplishment in a short 4 month and 3 day time frame. While I still can't personally tell a difference, I am very thrilled with what the numbers are showing!

What a wild ride it has been since that first life changing surgery... From multiple hospital stays, to additional surgeries, never ending testing, to multiple med changes. Not to mention adjusting to a completely new lifestyle which does not revolve around food. There have also been other social changes in my life and even my day to day routine has been changed. Talk about a major learning experience all around!

I'm still battling some nausea issues which is being managed through a new medication and a lack of eating on my part. I find myself not wanting to eat for the simple fear of whats to come after I do. I'm also finding myself extremely tired and fatigued every minute which has been challenging. If I didn't know any better I'd think I have mono but I haven't been kissing any boys and we are currently blaming this on the shock and adjusting my body has gone through in such a short time. Although I currently find myself rather frustrated with my surgeon, I am hopeful that things will continue to improve with time.

They say if you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you wont, you most assuredly wont. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad. ... ... ...Me,  I believe I can accomplish what I set out to do and achieve my dreams!