Monday, April 11, 2011

Round Two!

For the curious minds, lets start this off with a weight loss update! In my ever so infamous Allison Sweeny Biggest Looser voice: My starting weight was 342 lbs and my current weight is ... ... ... beep beep beep ... ... ... 278 pounds for a total weight loss of 64 pounds and a total percentage of weight loss of 18.71%. Talk about amazing! In 11 weeks I have done incredibly well at my weight loss and am hoping to do even better in the weeks to follow.

Tomorrow marks another big step in my weight loss journey as I embark on my second surgery: a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In laymen terms I will be having my gall bladder removed as I have multiple gall stones which we believe to be the root of my continued pain and nausea. My surgeon is hoping that this will indeed be a routine out patient procedure that will put me on the road to a more enjoyable recovery and journey after my weight loss surgery.

I will be sure to update everyone as soon as possible and share all of the wonderful stories I am sure to have following my 4th hospital stay on the JStew Journey!


  1. Danielle Jackson BurnellApril 12, 2011 at 5:16 PM

    I had know idea about the JStew Journey! I am so happy that I saw this on my facebook and clicked it!! I am so proud, happy and every other emtions there is to feel! When I read your very first entry I saw what you said that people judge you for what you look like! Well, I would like you to know that I never judged you for what you looked like!! You have always been that sweet, loving and caring little girl from church to me!! I wish you all the best in this incrediable journey!! I can't wait to read more!!

  2. Aww. Thank you so much Danielle! This has definitely been an interesting journey and I have learned lots so far! Thanks for the well wishes and I will be sure to keep everyone updated!
