Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let the journey begin!

JStew - January 22, 2011

Some of you may be wondering what kind of journey J Stew is on that has possessed her to start a blog. It's very simple: I'm on a journey to a happier healthier me! Simply put: I had a Sleeve Gastrectomy and Hernia repair on Tuesday January 25th, 2011. This is what I refer to as the beginning of the rest of my life.

Most who know me would agree when I say that I have been overweight my entire life. I can remember stories of how I would be in kindergarten and the teachers would have to watch me closely at lunch because I was eating sugar packets for my meals. Or being in middle school when the real teasing begins because you look different meaning you got picked last in pretty much everything you did. Lets not even talk about high school or college... I'm sorry but people / friends / classmates are mean! People judge you for one thing: the way you look. When you are a heavier person this makes everything in your life seem  more difficult. So what do you do?

For me it was simple. I was tired of being miserable and decided that I had to take my life into my own hands and make it what I wanted it to be. Just because I am overweight and may look different, doesn't mean that I do not have the same aspirations as everyone else out there. So, after time and time again of trying every diet known to man with every exercise plan you can find, I opted for another route towards my happiness: Gastric Bypass, which pretty much brings us up to speed to today.

Surgery, eh maybe not as much fun as one would think... I went into the OR around 7:30am roughly and was waking up around 8:30am in the OR after the surgery. The surgery was laproscopic; I have a total of five incision sites all of which are no bigger than a finger width. Worse part: coming out from under anesthesia, talk about major nausea! Talk about feeling trapped in your own body. From the OR to Step-Down for about an hour, and then to my very nice room which some referred to as the Hilton (although I might beg to differ). The nurses informed my mom that I would be asleep for another 4 hours roughly and then they would get me up and start "walking" me.  Anyone who knows a Stewart knows that we aren't normal people by any stretch of the imagination, so by 10:00am I was up walking around. Crazy? Either that or I had a serious case of ants in my pants. So I spent the entire day getting up and down trying to get comfortable from surgery. Lets just say the comfort part still hasn't quite arrived, but they were able to manage the discomfort by Wednesday morning.  My Dr. came in to see me on Wednesday morning and told me I could go home provided I was drinking water and not getting sick and throwing up. I was super excited and tickled pink to be going home, only I don't think my body was in agreement. Bring on the nausea for another round! Lets just say I didn't go home on Wednesday :(  It's Thursday evening and I have been home since 11:00 am this morning.  Home challenges have included getting in and out of bed, making myself drink liquids to stay hydrated and getting comfortable!

I feel as if I should have prepared a speech to thank everyone who has been there for me and supported me through this journey. First and foremost, thank you God for your hedge of protection that has been around me. Mom and Dad, you both have been supportive and I could not have taken this leap without you both by my side. To the rest of my family: your support and prayers means the most to me! Tania, thanks for taking me under your wing and letting me be a part of your family and bringing me home! Whit, Mean Pam, Christie, Wanda thank you so much for coming to visit me in my Hilton recovery room (and thanks for the Piglet Pam). To every one at work who encouraged me and will be watching over me in the months to come: thank you so much!

So here you have it: the first entry of the J Stew Journey to come!
One step at a time!

Mary and I - Christmas 2010

P.S. - I need my photographer Dawn!

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