Sunday, January 30, 2011

They said it wouldn't be easy...

So, to the dismay of many, when doctors or nurses or nutritionist say something fact is that they usually know what they are talking about. I am "point in case".

I don't think anything prepares you mentally for the journey following an intense surgery like gastric bypass... Trust me, I wasn't predicting this to be a walk in the park by any means. But by human nature we are hopeful, maybe not for the best, but that at minimum the worst doesn't rear its face.

With all of that being said lets look at the past couple of days... I did, what I considered to be, good when I first got home from the hospital. Sipping liquids slowly, very mobile, not much nausea. I was excited because I thought to myself that if we were on a downward part of the mountain, then I would be able to handle things. Apparently I needed a reality check... Saturday afternoon the nausea decided to join me once again. Not fun to say the least. In an effort to try and return to some normalcy I also decided to sleep in my bed as opposed to the comfy recliner in the living room; not a smart move. The reality is that I may be nauseous for another 2 weeks or 2 months. My abdomen is going to take time to heal, meaning it may be some time before everyday luxuries return... But above all, just because the size of my stomach changed, that does not mean that my mindset instantly changed either! Talk about craving things you cant have: peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes with milk (thanks Christina), Italiano foods like pizza and chicken alfredo, grilling out foods like hamburgers and hot dogs, SUPER BOWL food ... (this list could go on for a while) ... No worries, there has been no food consumption on my part in over 6 days. Partly because of the nausea I feel every time I walk near the kitchen, but mostly because I am on a journey that is very important to me.

Sometimes you have to take a step back and evaluate what is truly important. Then lift up your head and continue on your journey.

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