Thursday, March 17, 2011

and the Saga continues...

No worries folks, I am still alive! Since I am sure you are all relieved, I'll also share a bit of good news with you all. When my journey started nearly two months ago I weighed 342 lbs. After weighing in with my surgeon today, my current weight is 297 lbs! That not only takes me out of the 300's but also puts my total weight loss at 45 pounds in less than two months. Yipee!

Things have been pretty much the same since my last update: nausea, pain, vomiting, exhaustion, etc... I was scheduled for a follow up with my surgeon today where we discussed how my journey had been going thus far. It seems as though I may just be getting the short end of the stick where recovery is concerned, but he laid out some plans for the next couple of weeks in my journey in an effort to err on the side of caution. I will be having another EGD done as well as an abdominal ultrasound where he will be looking to see if I have developed any ulcers and checking to see that my gall bladder is still functioning properly.  Provided he finds no problems with those test, we will continue to "wait it out" and hope that the crummy feelings will dissipate. In the event that 6 months post op I am still having problems with nausea, pain, etc he said that he will be "going back in" to see where the problem lies.

We also are having to address an issue with my iron dropping dangerously low. After having routine lab work done with our hospital PATH screening, it was discovered that my iron is still lower than it should be. I have added more iron supplements to my diet to try and increase this because if it is not brought up significantly I will be seeing a hematologist and receiving iron infusions. Low iron can make you feel tired, fatigued, weak, dizzy, etc. It can also cause a desire to eat peculiar things (such as ice which I have been consuming by the bags) along with pale skin, chest pains and many other symptoms. Couple the nausea / pain / vomiting feelings with the iron deficiency and a chaotic day to day life and you have one drained girl!

I am starting to get the "are you happy you did this / would you have the surgery again" questions and unfortunately I think that it is still to soon to tell. Am I pleased with the weight loss? Absolutely! Was I prepared for this much of a struggle post op? Not hardly!

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