Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Learning Journey...

Let me first start off with the weigh in update: Your starting weight was 342 pounds and your current weight is 302 pounds with a total weight loss of 40 pounds! Since January 25th the percentage of weight I have lost is 11.7%. Talk about success, just don't ask about the ease of that success...

Have things gotten any easier? Absolutely not, no way Jose, not a chance! I am getting more accustomed to the constant sick / nauseated feeling, however the pain issue is becoming greater which isn't helpful.  Top the sick and pain feeling off with the inability to sleep coupled with long demanding days and you have one completely "spent" girl! 

All of that being said, I have discovered something that is becoming increasingly harder to deal with: living in an environment where bariatric surgery patients are minorities.  And yet, even as minorities, it amazes me how everyone knows exactly what you should be doing better than you as the informed patient does... Unless you have been through exactly what I or any other bariatric patient has been through, then you have no right to tell us what we are supposed to be doing every second of the day. While I can not speak for everyone, I can tell you what I need. Support? Yes. Encouragement? Yes. Understanding? Yes. Lectures, overbearing opinions, negativity? NO!!!

What a journey this is turning out to be... I am learning so much about myself, others and life in its entirety.  Here's to continuing the journey and making it out alive...

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