Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Roller Coaster Rides...

When I was a little girl I was always afraid to ride roller coasters. I'm not sure why I was frightened, but you couldn't offer me enough money to get on one. Unfortunately, the roller coaster of life is not quite as forgiving. You have to either ride or get off...

Talk about some major ups and downs. The past few days I have been battling a fever which as some of you know can drain you dry. On top of the fever, some of the abdominal pain has returned which is making the days seem longer and much more tiring. And lets not forget the chronic nausea coupled with the long days at work. Put all of that together on top of a stressful job and its making for a very very difficult journey at the moment.

Top off the physical roller coaster ride with an emotional roller coaster ride and you've got one complete mess. I'm currently riding the "lets second guess every single thing" ride and for some reason it wont let me off. My head is swarming with questions, concerns and overwhelming thoughts. The difficulty: finding people who can relate. Don't get me wrong, I have great support, its just more difficult when you don't have lots of people to turn to who know what you are going through. Makes the ride that much harder.

Now, the only thing I want to do is crash and burn. Unfortunately I think I am going to get my wish sooner rather than later...

"Life is a series of ups & downs, twists & turns. You can approach the roller coaster of life with arms high in the air; willingly and ready for whatever comes next. Or you can grip the handlebars and fear for your life. The choice is yours."

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,
    Wow this proccess seems rough! It is too late to second guess. Just look forward to a future with abundant health, more energy, mobility and cool clothes.The discomfort won't be forever remind yourself of where you will be in a year and that the discomfort and complications are only temporary. Praying for you.
