Monday, February 7, 2011

You need WATER to live!

Have you ever been on a journey where EVERYTHING went according to plan? Doubt it! Hence the reason I've been missing in action on this here blog lately...

Main focus point for my absence : WATER (or the lack there of). One of the important things that gastric bypass patients are told to do post op is make sure to consume enough protein and liquids. Unfortunately, consuming anything can be a challenge when your body is on this journey.  Mainly, your body is still in a certain state of shock post surgery and your stomach goes from the size of a football to the size of a small egg. The last thing on your mind is putting anything in your mouth, even liquids. 

I had taken a trip to my office to have some lab work done and wasn't feeling well. I had been feeling nauseous for several days and then started feeling weak and light headed and down right icky. At the advice of concerned co-workers, I called my surgeon and he asked me to come in to his office and see one of his partners to make sure everything was going well.  Wouldn't you know he came in the room to see me and could tell I wasn't doing well and decided that another hospital stay was in order.  I missed my nurses from 6th north tower so much, that I decided to go back and see them. Thats right; I got myself severely dehydrated leading to my second ever stay in the hospital. The goal was re-hydration which was achieved by lots of fluids! As a precaution my surgeon also decided to do a barium swallow test and place a pic line.  No worries, the test (while it was pretty uncomfortable considering how disgusting barium is) came back normal. The pic line was placed so that he could send me home on fluids if needed and to prevent the challenge of finding a vein to stick so many times.  As much as I enjoyed seeing some of my nurses again, this time in the hospital was not fun...  After two and a half days of being in the hospital getting fluids, the on call surgeon finally decided that I could return home just in time for the super bowl commercials and glee!

So where does that leave us on the J Stew Journey?  I have a pic line still in place in case I need to receive fluids while I am back at home.  I have an amazing mom who is doing her very best to keep me hydrated by bringing me clear liquids and making sure I get enough protein.  On Thursday I will be following up with my surgeon for him to make sure I'm on the right path. I also have the best ever home health nurse that a person could ask for; so sweet and caring and nurturing!

And thus, the journey continues...

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jess! You are doing great. Whomever said gastric bypass was an easy way out has no idea what they are talking about!
