Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7 days post op

Alright folks. Today was a pretty important day in the J Stew Journey. Today I decided to do something very scary for 95% of Americans! I got on the scales...

First I should begin by saying that the last time I weighed was Monday January 24th, the day before my surgery. I should also inform you that in honor of my new life journey, I purchased a brand new scale yesterday from the good ole' Wally World. Let's continue; I woke up this morning and decided to "go for it". After unpacking my new scale, placing it on a level surface and selecting my user number I did it. I STEPPED ON THE SCALE! While it is not the same scale that I used at my doctors office, I have been assured that its reading should be nearly perfect. Can I just say that I am still a little skeptical. (since I can hear each one of you yelling at the computer saying "enough already, tell us what it said J Stew, I supposed I'll let you have it in my "Biggest Looser" Allison Sweeny voice). Drum roll please ... ... ... Your current weight is 315lbs for a total weight loss of 27lbs in the past week!

AAAHHHHHH!!! (that's me screaming)

I suppose I should mention my slight melt down yesterday for you to truly appreciate the state I am currently in. As I mentioned before, just because the shape and size of your stomach changes, doesn't mean that your mind changes as well... That being said, I was afraid for my life yesterday (or at least the safety of my stomach). Let's talk about cravings overload; you name it, I wanted it. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, home made ice cream, Olive Garden's chicken alfredo with bread sticks and white sauce, asiago peppercorn steak, honey glazed carrots and pecans, loaded baked potatoes... This time, I didn't care what the cost was or what harm it could cause me, etc. NOTHING mattered. I went so far to ask a friend to be my "good food supplier" and investigate what we had to eat in the house that would satisfy my cravings. However, thanks to a nice conversation with my Jillian Gym Food Police Nazi Cindy I was comforted and reminded of the true journey I was on. I listened, and instead of making a mistake, I behaved and settled down and floated off to dream land.

27 lbs! I had to say it again; it just doesn't make sense.?. That was just the push I needed to get through the rough patch I am in. While I am still missing my comfort foods, I am hopeful that with time I will start to understand and know the best ways to respond to the challenges of my journey. So here goes another lap around the track...


  1. Hang in there Jess! You are doing great.

  2. Jessica--You're a brave woman and give yourself a HUGE pat on the back!!! I think journaling this is a wonderful idea--and I "got your back" all the way!!! Hope to see the "new you" one day--maybe at the Baker's?
    God's peace-
    Lynn Bisbee
